Pat Herman presents her reasons for serving on the Employment Disability Resources Board of Directors.
Video Transcript:
Hi, my name is Pat Herman and I am a special projects planner at the Center for Disabilities, which is part of USD in Sioux Falls.
I’ve been a member of the EDR board for over five years. I first joined the board being assigned as a work duty. But I’ve stayed with the board and come to really believe in its mission. I feel that everybody has the right to seek employment and to get a fair shake when they do that.
I think so many times people with disabilities may be overlooked for either their physical or cognitive disability, and not given a fair shake, or even given an interview.
So I’m proud to be part of the EDR board to get the message out that individuals with disabilities have many skills and talents. They are very dedicated to working a job once they get a job, and to just promote that throughout our community – that there’s a whole set of people that are more than willing and able to do jobs. They just need to be given a chance.