Resources for Employers

National Resources
Disability:IN is a national non-profit that helps business drive performance by leveraging disability inclusion in the workplace, supply chain and marketplace. Your business partner for disability inclusion, Link to Disability:IN
Employer Assistance & Resource Network (EARN) provides free consulting services and resources to support the recruitment and hiring of people with disabilities.
1-866-327-6669, Link to Employer Assistance & Resource Network
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can be contacted for further information regarding tax incentives for employers to people with disabilities.
1-800-829-4933, Link to Internal Revenue Service
Job Accommodation Network (JAN) provides information about accommodations and related issues to facilitate the employment and retention of workers with disabilities.
1-800-526-7234, Link to Job Accommodation Network
Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) through the Department of Labor provides leadership on disability employment policies and practices through research yielding authoritative and credible data on employment of people with disabilities.
1-866-487-2365, Link to Office of Disability Employment Policy
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) offers a variety disability employment resources.
1-800-283-7476, Link to Society for Human Resource Management
The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) is a multi-faceted initiative promoting the employment, retention, and career advancement of people with disabilities through the development, adoption, and promotion of accessible technology. To learn more, visit Link to the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology
Rocky Mountain ADA Center serves individuals and organizations throughout Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota with training and resources on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Link to Rocky Mountain ADA Center
Local Resources
DakotAbilities provides job placement to individuals with significant disabilities.
605-334-4220, Link to DakotAbilities
Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) assists individuals with disabilities to obtain employment, economic self-sufficiency, personal independence, and full inclusion into society.
605-367-5330, Link to Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services
Department of Human Services, Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired (SBVI) provides individualized rehabilitation services that result in optimal employment and independent living outcomes for citizens who are blind or visually impaired.
605-367-5330, Link to Department of Human Services, Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired
Department of Labor helps employers in the local area deal with various labor issues and helps job applicants identify opportunities and prepare for productive employment.
605-367-5300, Link to Department of Labor
Goodwill of the Great Plains offers pre-vocational programs and community supported employment.
605-731-1930, Link to Goodwill of the Great Plains
LifeScape works to create career goals, perform assessments, work with area businesses, and provide job coaching for people with developmental disabilities.
605-444-9500, Link to LifeScape
Southeastern Behavioral helps persons with psychiatric disabilities with job assistance and tools through their Employment Connection program.
605-336-0503, Link to Southeastern Behavioral
Teachwell Solutions offers resources for students, educators, and employers alike in schools throughout Sioux Falls and the surrounding areas, including Project Search and career readiness programs.
605-367-7680, Link to TeachWell
Volunteers of America-Dakotas offers job skills training, employment search support, and job coaching for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
605-334-1414, Link to Volunteers of America-Dakotas