Raven Industries Business Spotlight

Raven Industries Logo.

Raven Industries employs 1,317 people in 20 locations.  Thirty two of their employees have disabilities including both physical and mental health disabilities.  They are Team Members in manufacturing, clerical and professional positions.  All positions are available to job seekers with disabilities.  Some accommodations that have been provided to their Team Members with disabilities include flexible schedules,  frequent breaks, and special equipment.  Raven Industries has also adjusted work spaces to accommodate employees with disabilities.

Raven Industries has always been a disability friendly employer.  They continually work on providing a diverse and inclusive workplace for Team Members.  

Dawn Ingalls, Human Resource Manager at Raven Industries, states, “We recently worked with Vicki Nelson, District Supervisor of the Division of Rehabilitation Services Sioux Falls office, to better understand the on-the-job training and job coaching services that are offered to candidates and employers.  It was very helpful to understand the roles and responsibilities of each!”  

In the midst of COVID-19, Raven Industries’ hiring has slowed down a bit, but there are still positions available.  Interested parties can view their open positions at https://ravenind.com/careers.  If candidates need assistance completing the application, they can call 605-336-2750.

Dawn Ingalls adds, “Our Team Members with disabilities are great!  They are committed to their responsibilities within Raven Industries and to the success of our business.”

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