MasterBrand has 14,000 employees throughout their various locations and over 500 at their Sioux Falls location. Approximately ten employees have disabilities that include hearing loss/deafness, physical disabilities and mental health issues. All positions are available to those with disabilities, but currently there are employees with disabilities in manufacturing and office positions. One associate with a disability has been with MasterBrand for over twenty years.
Reasonable accommodations that have been provided to employees with disabilities who need them include flexible work and break schedules, written instructions, special equipment as needed and sign language interpreters for company meetings. MasterBrand has always been a disability friendly employer. They continually work on providing a diverse and inclusive workplace for team members.
Currently MasterBrand has several production positions such as builders, sanders, machine operators, warehouse workers, and sprayers they are trying to fill in Sioux Falls. The positions are available on both the 1st and 2nd shift. Applicants can apply online by going to If anyone needs assistance filling out an application, they can call 605-335-8600 or stop in at 700 E. 48th St. N.