By EDR Board Member Vicki Nelson
We first noticed changes in Grandma Nelson during a visit from her then home of Sun City, Arizona to Sioux Falls several years ago. She began wandering around the house at night and going into all the rooms in search of her own. She was lost. During conversations she talked about things that did not relate to the conversation. Her stories were usually from past events verses current happenings. Things progressed to a point that she was forgetting to eat without being prompted. Her weight dropped without someone keeping a daily tab on her food intake. Our family made the decision it was time for Memory Care to ensure that she remained safe. For the past 3 years, Grandma Nelson has been a resident at Legends at Lake Lorraine in Sioux Falls, receiving the best care possible.
Hello, everybody. My name is Vicki Nelson. I am on the Employment Disability Resources Board and have been for many years. I have been with the State of SD, Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) for almost 30 years and am currently the Sioux Falls District Supervisor. DRS works with individuals with disabilities, employers, vendors, and community partners across South Dakota to assist job seekers with disabilities obtain meaningful employment. Our mission is to help individuals with disabilities prepare for, obtain, advance in, and maintain employment by providing a range of services based on their individual employment needs and goals.
Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that gets worse over time, and the most common cause of dementia. Alzheimer’s has a devastating effect on employment. However, people living with Alzheimer’s can continue to work for as long as they are willing and able to do so.
Below are some resources about Alzheimer’s and Employment: